SPARK: Quantum Computing: It’s Closer than you Think
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 6, 2022, 11:15 AM - 11:35 AM
Doug Saylors Julian Van Velzen

The impact of quantum computing has been under debate for years. However, recent advancements in superconducting technology and the introduction of neutral atom based processing are accelerating the likelihood of quantum becoming a commercially viable platform within the next 5 years. The disruptive nature of this technology has the potential to drastically alter the way cybersecurity protections are handled on a global basis. Large organizations have begun quietly funding research and development in this space to ensure they aren't breached. Come learn what you should start preparing for to deal with this technology evolution.

  • Quantum computing capabilities as they exist today
  • Potential impacts of Quantum computing on cybersecurity
  • What your organization should start doing today to prepare for the Quantum Evolution
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