SPARK: Life in 3D: Leveraging Extended Reality (XR) to Engage, Develop, and Empower a Diverse Workforce
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 6, 2022, 3:35 PM - 3:55 PM
Doug Teachey Graham Cooke Sarah Griffis Jennifer Cooke

The pandemic has opened a world of opportunity for leveraging 3D virtual and mixed reality technologies as a primary tool for bridging capability without employees needing to leave home. Extended Reality (XR) tools, which include Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) create a more immersive learning experience for equipping the modern, diverse workforce. Key benefits include significant performance improvement, less time away from productive work, accelerated retention, and training cost optimization. No matter where they are physically located, employees can engage in an immersive learning experience and collaborate with coworkers better than when using 2D tools alone. 


This session examines use of Extended Reality (XR - AR/VR) as part of a holistic learning and collaboration strategy to empower remote workers to connect more effectively, enable strategic skills, and optimize organizational capabilities more effectively than traditional 2D virtual training and eLearning alone. Key topics include:

  • Best practices for incorporating XR into a broader learning and engagement strategy
  • Overcoming pitfalls and  potential barriers to success
  • Getting started on your first XR program
Location Name
Venetian I