DEEP DIVE PANEL: Proven Reduction in Cyber Risk: Creating a Robust Cyber-Intuitive Culture
Date & Time
Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

According to Verizon’s Data Breach Reports of 2021 and 2022, over 80% of all cybersecurity breaches involve the human element. It is clear traditional cybersecurity awareness and training is not working and we need to make a change. We talk about cybersecurity in terms of risk management, but we don’t educate our people in the same way. Join ISG and cyberconIQ in an interactive discussion about personal risk styles and how we can make material change in effectiveness of cybersecurity training education so that we enforce a cyber-intuitive culture where we are mindful of our actions and can reduce cybersecurity risks both at work and at home. P.S.…If your phishing click rate is above 2%, you definitely need to attend this session!
Location Name
Venetian IV & V
Virtual Session Link