KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Every Day's a Race Day: Re-Inventing Business, Digital and Data Analytics Operations
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
ant Drake Steve Janoo

Direct to consumer has been the dominant trend in the CPG sector for the last four years.  But unlocking the opportunity takes a fundamental shift in operating models and data practices.  

In this session, Chief Data Analytics Officer & SVP for Digital Strategy of Diageo will discuss what it takes to build a new direct channel to customers, how becoming consumer-centric is driving a broader digital transformation across the end to end value chain in businesses and how digital, technology and data analytics teams need to work differently with broader business partners to deliver with the required pace and agility.


Location Name
Westbourne 3 & 4
Full Address
Royal Lancaster London
Lancaster Terrace
London W2 2TY
United Kingdom
Session Type