25 & 26 June, 2024  |  London


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

8:30 AM
- 9:30 AM
Location: Westbourne Foyer

9:30 AM
- 9:40 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

9:40 AM
- 10:00 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Join ISG’s Iain Fisher for an exclusive dive into our extensive contract database, unveiling industry trends and regional insights.  For enterprises, knowing the state of current market and future market trends is invaluable when it comes to shaping the future of digital business.  This session will enable you to not only understand and interpret the key direction of the market but to align strategy accordingly so that you can maximise RoI for your business.

10:05 AM
- 10:35 AM
Location: Westbourne 1 & 2

With over 11,000 locations, Post Office is by far the largest retailer in the UK. The organisation’s critical socio-economic role requires a fit-for-purpose technology estate, but providing modern, digital technology to over 50,000 Postmasters and their staff has not been without challenges. Join the Post Office CDIO for a fireside chat and learn more about one of the largest tech modernisation and digital transformation efforts in recent memory, the strategy and difficult choices behind it, and some of the lessons learned for business and tech leaders at large enterprises faced with daunting levels of technology debt.  

10:40 AM
- 11:10 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Join the University of Nottingham’s Steven Furnell as he analyses the impacts that cyber breaches have had on UK businesses per the 2024 Cybersecurity Breach Survey. Then apply that information to create your very own cybersecurity priorities through an interactive group exercise.

11:10 AM
- 11:30 AM
Location: Westbourne 1 & 2

11:30 AM
- 11:45 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Technology is advancing at warp speed, and staying ahead of digital business trends isn't just a strategy — it's a survival tactic. How can you position yourself at the forefront of the next wave of innovation shaping this tech-driven landscape? In this session, we will explore the latest market trends driving transformative change, offering valuable insights into emerging technologies, evolving consumer behaviors, and global shifts. From artificial intelligence to Web3, we will dissect the key drivers behind digital business evolution and provide a comprehensive roadmap for organizations to remain agile and competitive in today's dynamic marketplace. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and unlock new possibilities for your business.

11:50 AM
- 12:20 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Diving headfirst into the tumultuous waters of today's business landscape seems terrifying - where the only constant is change. From relentless technological innovation to the unpredictable twists and turns of consumer behavior, the following panel will help you navigate current market trends to uncover their profound impact on businesses of all sizes and industries. Through riveting case studies, expert analysis, and actionable insights, we'll equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to chart a course through the storm and emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.

12:25 PM
- 12:55 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

In today's dynamic business landscape, sourcing transformation plays a crucial role in maintaining competitiveness. This discussion, featuring insights from two industry veterans, will focus on leveraging historical insights for future sourcing strategies. They will dive into how sourcing has shifted over the last decade to the current phase, the recent expansion of mid-market needs (and wants), and the changing role of Global Captive Centers (both sole and hybrid). Highlighting the significance of digital engineering, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing, they will contextualize these sought-after services through the lens of talent management and the future workforce. Addressing emerging trends, challenges, and strategic opportunities in sourcing evolution, the panel will discuss the importance of a customer-centric approach and the necessity for organisations to effectively integrate emerging technologies to sustain competitiveness in today's dynamic landscape. (Hitachi)

1:00 PM
- 2:00 PM
Location: Park Suite & Chestnut

2:00 PM
- 2:15 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Experience has evolved beyond mere customer and employee engagement. Today, success hinges on the integration of CX, EX, UX and MX into a holistic Total Experience strategy. In the following session we explore the transformative power of TX and the technologies driving this evolution, fostering a positive, cohesive, and engaging experience for both customers and employees. Unlock the key to modern business success through fostering genuine and holistic experiences.

2:20 PM
- 2:50 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

In today's hyper-competitive landscape, cultivating a customer-centric culture is paramount for organisational success. The following panel will explore how to effectively optimize CX, UX, and EX to create a seamless and rewarding total experience for customers. By aligning these key elements, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy, ultimately driving better business outcomes and sustainable growth. Join us as industry experts share practical insights, best practices, and real-world examples to inspire and empower organizations to prioritize customer-centricity and unlock the full potential of their total experience strategy.

2:50 PM
- 3:10 PM
Location: Westbourne 1 & 2

3:10 PM
- 3:30 PM
Location: Oak 3

This session provides an update on where the digital platform business is in the year 2024 highlighting on recent developments in the global platforms business. Among others, platform monetization trends and latest emerging business models will be elaborated. Finally, the session explores recent digital platform trends and provides an outlook on potential future directions.

Location: Oak 1 & 2

There is a lot of excitement around GenAI, particularly in Insurance. In this park session we will cover:

- What are the opportunities across the insurance value chain?

- What is the prize? (or a suitable headline to indicate what is the target outcome)

- What is the reality?

- What is limiting enterprises from achieving the expected benefits from GenAI?

And much more. 

Location: Chestnut

One of the recommendations in the recently published McPartland Review of Cybersecurity and Economic Growth is the establishment of a ‘Cyber Charter’ to “empower large companies to share their cybersecurity expertise and resources with their 3rd party critical suppliers”. Evidence certainly suggests cybersecurity disparities between larger organisations and SMEs, with the smaller players often at a disadvantage in terms of understanding and acting upon cyber issues. At the same time, cyber incidents affecting them can have knock-on impacts for others. With this in mind, to what degree can we take a more community-based approach to cybersecurity experiences and expertise? Can larger organisations help to support those in their supply chain ecosystem? Can SMEs have a role in collectively supporting themselves?

3:45 PM
- 4:05 PM
Location: Oak 1 & 2

Whether liked or not, global and local regulation is driving sustainable change across every industry in every country - but local regulation changes. In this session, Iain will bring to life what sustainability is, the challenges it poses and what can be done to meet regulation, address delivery challenges whilst providing trends and helpful strategies to make sure regulation doesn't overwhelm, it offers opportunities to grow. 

Location: Chestnut

Supply chain resilience has become ever more important in recent years as risks are growing in number and impact, whilst vendor ecosystems are becoming increasingly complex. Uncovering risks as early as possible, and developing a risk management framework to actively monitor, evaluate, mitigate and respond to threats has become a critical discipline that requires a clear collaboration model integrating relevant enterprise stakeholders and suppliers. Technology is a key enabler of providing risk visibility and enables effective and efficient risk management collaboration. 

Location: Oak 3

Even though the Onboarding experience lays the foundation for the rest of the employee life cycle, only 12% of employees consider their onboarding experience exceptional. Moreover, companies are losing talent before they've even started.

Avoid replacement costs by designing an onboarding experience that lasts. We will highlight how and where AI can contribute and introduce “Experience Design Statements” as a good practice approach to bridge the gap between needs, expectations, and experiences. 

 Key Takeaways:
Understand why delivering a great experience starts by looking at the last impression.
Uncover the transformative role of AI in enhancing the onboarding process. 
Utilize Experience Design Statements as a means to design people-centric experiences.

4:15 PM
- 5:00 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Entrepreneurs behind innovative solutions will each present pitches on why their technology is best and how it will add the most value to business. After some tough questions from our judges, the audience will have their chance to vote on which technology they are more likely to implement within their own organizations. Who should win this startup challenge?

5:00 PM
- 6:00 PM
Location: Westbourne 1 & 2

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

8:00 AM
- 9:00 AM
Location: Westbourne Foyer

9:00 AM
- 9:10 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

9:15 AM
- 9:45 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Direct to consumer has been the dominant trend in the CPG sector for the last four years.  But unlocking the opportunity takes a fundamental shift in operating models and data practices.  

In this session, Chief Data Analytics Officer & SVP for Digital Strategy of Diageo will discuss what it takes to build a new direct channel to customers, how becoming consumer-centric is driving a broader digital transformation across the end to end value chain in businesses and how digital, technology and data analytics teams need to work differently with broader business partners to deliver with the required pace and agility.


9:50 AM
- 10:10 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Steve Hall, President of ISG EMEA and the Voice of the ISG Index will provide compelling insights on the change market dynamics within the Industry. As digital transformation, GenAI, and new capabilities enter the market, Steve will provide his unique insights on how to stay ahead of the trends and gain the right insights to take your business to the next level.

10:10 AM
- 10:20 AM
Location: Westbourne 1 & 2

10:20 AM
- 10:50 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

 Automation and Intelligent Automation is a simple concept, however the journey to successful scaling and driving value for an organisation has its hazards, pitfalls and the occasional bit of humour. We talk with Kostas Vogiatzakis who through his time in a number of organisations has deployed and scaled automation and Intelligent Automation successfully. As we see the rapid changes in advanced technologies that are infusing automation, we will hear how to ensure your organisation gain the efficiencies, lower costs and reduce cycle times from these technologies. Crucially, we will talk about the impact of automation and advanced technology on the people, their roles and employee experience. Finally we look to the future and discuss how we transform to a concept of ‘Digital Operations’ and how these technologies enable and underpin this.

10:55 AM
- 11:25 AM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Welcome to the era of Digital Transformation 2.0, where businesses navigate uncharted territory propelled by cutting-edge technology. From AI and machine learning to IoT and blockchain, these advancements converge to drive efficiency, agility, and innovation like never before. In the following panel session, we delve into real-world case studies, expert insights, and best practices that showcase how organisations are leveraging this era of innovation to redefine their business models, drive sustainable growth, and stay ahead in today's dynamic digital landscape. This session promises to inspire and empower as you unlock new possibilities for your organisation.

11:30 AM
- 12:00 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Although our industry is trending toward gender equity and against workplace biases, progress has been slow. Most of us know the stats; while policy changes have opened some doors, there are still large gender-based gaps in pay and leadership roles. Not every employee can address these gaps directly, making many of us feel helpless. But there are ways for everyone to disrupt the status quo and enable women leaders to thrive. In this panel, ISG provides tangible ways to ally with women in the workplace, using real-life experiences from our panelists to illustrate how these actions have a positive impact. 

1.      Discover how to identify norms or behaviours within your own company that may be barriers to gender equity, 

2.      Hear how these successful women overcame career challenges via their authentic lived experiences, and 

3.      Learn actions we can all take to empower, partner with and celebrate women leaders as colleagues and allies.

12:00 PM
- 12:45 PM

Take the opportunity to join a roundtable discussion and delve into a deeper discussion around specific topics with fellow attendees.

12:45 PM
- 1:00 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

The ability to streamline processes and optimize technology infrastructure is essential for organizations striving to remain competitive today. By embracing simplicity, organizations can unlock agility, reduce costs, and improve the overall quality of their products and services. In the following session, we will uncover practical approaches to simplifying business processes, optimizing technology stacks, and eliminating unnecessary complexities that will enhance operational efficiency. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry experts and discover how simplicity can drive success in the digital age.

1:05 PM
- 1:30 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

In the realm of modern business, success lies in transitioning from reactive to proactive strategies. With the exponential increase in data influx, mastering data management becomes paramount as it's essential to unlock transformative potential. In the following panel session, we explore innovative data management approaches that equip organizations with predictive insights, ensuring they stay ahead in meeting consumer expectations. Discover how to harness the power of data to simplify infrastructure, boost operational efficiency, and deliver personalized experiences that surpass customer demands. 

1:30 PM
- 1:50 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

Behind every data point and product is a human being”, this session covers just who these humans are and how it goes beyond the digital implementations of capturing behaviors, market segmentation and those who buy your products/services. Look into developing lasting and successful products and services in your AI journey.


1:50 PM
- 2:10 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

While questions of ethics are not new regarding Artificial Intelligence, the recent development with GenAI highlights the importance of questions such as property rights or transparency on data sources. Putting data at the center, this session is related to SPARK 2.19A (The Strategic Value of Data in Accelerating Your Digital Journey). We will elaborate on the different dimension of Ethics and AI. Finally, the session provides actionable recommendations on how Ethics in AI can be proactively addressed.

2:10 PM
- 2:30 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

The world of smart everything has turned the conventional on its head. As clients seek a seamless interconnected experience, successful organisations are now joining Product, Process and the Consumer into one fully integrated digital thread. We explore how to bundle services and products to drive revenue, develop new business models, and see how the enterprises are driving this change towards creating sustained value.

2:30 PM
- 2:40 PM
Location: Westbourne 1 & 2

2:40 PM
- 3:00 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

In this session we will analyze:

- How Data Management and Governance Serve as Key Drivers for Decision Making Alongside Programming Evolution.

- The Advantages & Risks of Artificial Intelligence - 7 types of Artificial Intelligence and the Public Perception and Impact That has on Decision Making

3:00 PM
- 3:20 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

As organizations continue to embrace Cloud technologies, the integration of GenAI presents transformative and limitless opportunities for optimizing Cloud investments. GenAI, with its ability to autonomously create content, patterns, and solutions, is poised to revolutionize traditional approaches of Cloud computing. GenAI emerges as a key player in unlocking the full potential of cloud investments, promising increased efficiency, scalability, and ultimately, a superior return on investment for businesses navigating the cloud landscape.

3:20 PM
- 3:40 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

In this interactive session, we will explore the strategic integration of GenAI in cybersecurity, focusing on its immense value to business leaders. We will begin with a basic understanding of GenAI, followed by an analysis of its dual role in both enhancing defenses and creating new threats. Using real-world case studies, we will demonstrate the practical applications and significant business benefits of adopting GenAI technologies. Attendees will gain insights into the latest trends, innovations, and strategic advantages, equipping them with actionable knowledge to strengthen their cybersecurity frameworks.

3:40 PM
- 4:00 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

This session will focus on enterprise use cases that are harnessing GenAI to propel their business models forward. Steve will share insights from recent engagements on the transformative impact of AI.

4:00 PM
- 4:20 PM
Location: Westbourne 3 & 4

In this session, we delve into the key trends for how enterprises are powering their digital transformation through the establishment and evolution of their Global Capability centres. We will explore how enterprises are utilising Global Capability Centres to accelerate their digital transformation: tapping into talent at scale, delivering differentiated business value and to as a catalyst for strategic innovation.

4:25 PM
- 4:35 PM

4:35 PM
- 5:30 PM
Location: Westbourne 1 & 2